Cellini Benvenuto
  • Address: Comune di Vicchio 50039 Vicchio (FI) Tel. +39 055 843921
  • Visiting Hours: Apertura su appuntamento (tel. + 39 055 8439269) Ingresso libero
  • Website:
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Vicchio (Firenze)

Benvenuto Cellini (1500 - 1571), sculptor of the Perseus in the Loggia degli Uffizi in Florence and of the famous salt-cellar (known as Saliera) made for Francis I, speaks of the home and farm purchased in Vicchio in his autobiographical memoirs.
They narrate about his sojourn in Vicchio that, during his stay in the locality, Cellini was invited to dinner by Pier Maria d'Anterigoli, called "Sbietta", and that on this occasion he was offered poisoned food whose effects he had to cure for a whole year. Apart from the biography by Cellini himself, there are few sources regarding his sojourn in Vicchio. The home inhabited by Benvenuto Cellini is located inside the band of walls erected by the Florentines in 1324 to contain the Castrum Vichii, and therefore it is presumable to believe that the building was constructed during this same period.

Today the premises, completely restored, are used by the office for promoting the area (Pro Loco) that also performs the function of tourist information point. The floors upstairs are used for small exhibits of artistic and artisan objects. The planned definitive orientation is to open a professional training course for goldsmiths and for working precious metals.