• Address: Via Giuseppe Luigi Passalacqua, 10
    10122 Torino

Casa Museo Carlo Maria Martini

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  • Address: Via Chiara Novella, 17
    26100 Cremona
    Telefono 0372.38779
    WhatsApp 3471639350
  • Visiting Hours: Visite su prenotazione:
    dal lunedì alla domenica
    dalle ore 16.00 alle ore 19.00
  • Website: Fondazione
  • Contact: Fondazione

Casa Studio

 Page in preparation



  • Address: via dell'Università, 54
    Telefono 3393320093 - 3393480895
    WhatsApp 3471639350
  • Website:

Museo del costume

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  • Address: via Arata, 3
    26012 Castelleone (CR)
    Tel. 348.3001966
  • Visiting Hours: Ogni seconda domenica del mese: 10:00 – 12:00 | 15:00 – 18:00
    La casa-museo sarà chiusa nei mesi di gennaio e febbraio.
  • Website: Fondazione
  • Contact: fondazione
    Tel. 348.3001966

Casa Museo Francesco Arata


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  • Address: Via Commerciale, 47
    34135 Trieste
    Tel. +393487757727
  • Visiting Hours: Every first Saturday of the month from 10:00 am
    at a cost of 15€ per person (5€ for the studio members).
    Reservation is required by sending a email or by calling.
    Depending on availability and notice, private, on-demand visits can be reserved."
  • Website: Studio Pascaropulo
  • Contact: Studio Pascaropulo

Abitazione ed Atelier (Villa Margherita - Trieste)


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  • Address: via Niccolò da Uzzano, 11 - Firenze
  • Visiting Hours: Open on Saturday mornings from 10.00 to 13.00 by appointment


The House of Franco and Lidia Luciani was built in the mid-1920s with funds from the employees of Società Elettrica Sert Valdarno (today ENEL, the so-called "Gruppo Luce").

The House is located in the Gavinana district in the south-east part of Florence.

Franco Luciani, who was born in 1930, lived in this house from his childhood. Franco was a true Florentine who loved art in all its expressions and he was strongly linked to his city and Tuscany. It was in this house that Franco and Lidia raised their family.

The House displays their hand-selected collection of paintings, engravings, prints, ceramics, majolica, bronzes, books, ancient postcards, and antique furnitures.

Both Franco and Lidia had a classical studies background: Franco was a pharmacist, and Lidia was an Italian Literature and History teacher. Both were particularly passionate about 19th century Tuscan paintings and, throughout their lives together, they bought numerous paintings by Macchiaioli and Post-Macchiaoli masters. These artists, starting from 1860, animated the Italian pictorial panorama and contributed decisively to the renewal of traditional pictorial aesthetics, and the anticipators of impressionism.

Their passion for this artistic movement lead Franco and Lidia to write in 1974 the Dictionary of Italian Painters of the 19th Century. This book was published by Vallecchi, and copies are still in the House.

The collection in the house started to grow in the 1950’s thanks to Franco’s passion and Lidia’s support, year after year untill 2006, when Franco became ill and passed away.

Many of the paintings in the house were loaned for exhibition and vernissages. Due in part because of this passion but also because of his knowledge of tyhis genre of artistic expression, Franco became an art consultant and was involved with organizations that arranged exhibits of various painters.

The collection starts on the first floor, with differents portraits of young women and young men. It continues in Franco's studio where recognized painters of the Labronico Group are featured. This group was born with the hope of enhancing Livorno art and the collection includes some works of Nomellini, Lomi, Natali, March, Filippelli, and Corcos.

The collection continues in the hall next to the house garden: this room includes the Florentine Macchiaioli painters, with figurative paintings by Signorini, Cabianca, Tommasi; the Florentine glimpses of Borrani, and an entire wall dedicated to Oscar Ghiglia, featuring still lifes and the portrait of his son Paulo.

The collection continues on the first floor, with a large painting by Silvio Bicchi, a pupil of Fattori at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.

There are also numerous bronzes, sculptures, vases, pots, ceramics, majolica, small Japanese and ivory netsuke. These placements respect the painting collection harmony and structure.

The house features an ancient books and catalogues archive.

With Franco and Lidia both gone, the collection they built and shaped remains intact and displayed just as it was when they lived – a precious collection that Franco and Lidia proudly showed to their family and friends.

So now, their two daughters would be delighted to share these works of art with sector experts, scholars or simply art lovers. In doing so they hope to honor the memory of Franco and Lidia Luciani and also honor the great works and history of Italian paintnings of the 1800’s and early 1900’s.


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  • Address: Via Aldo Formis, 17
    26041 Casalmaggiore CR
    tel. +39 0375 200416
  • Visiting Hours: Tuesday - Friday 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM; Saturday and Holidays 03:30 - 06:30 PM
  • Website:
  • Contact:

Diotti Museum

Palazzo Diotti was purchased in 1837 by the neoclassical painter Giuseppe Diotti (Casalmaggiore, 1779 - 1846), who entrusted its renovation to the architect Fermo Zuccari and moved there after leaving the 30-year position he held at the Accademia Carrara in Bergamo. Respecting the wishes of its illustrious inhabitant and restoring the appearance of a private home, the museum that was set up here in 2007 is proposed not only as a picture gallery of the 19th century, but also as a house-museum aimed at reconstructing the image of the atelier and didactically restoring the artist's working method.

Giuseppe Diotti's house-atelier occupies the eight rooms on the main floor that address by themes every aspect of the painter's activity, from his years of study in Rome, through preparatory drawings of various frescoes that show the painter's attention to the study of the human figure, to works of his maturity. Along the exhibition route, a number of multimedia stations are available to the public through which Giuseppe Diotti himself welcomes visitors to his home, recounts his life and later developments in art in Casalmaggiore. In fact, the exhibition tour continues with the Gallery of Modern Art, set up in what were service quarters in Diotti's time, which brings together significant works by local and Lombard artists of the 20th century, with a focus on Existential Realism and the Po River landscape. The focus on the theme of the atelier also led to the reconstruction inside the Museum of the working environments of various painters (Goliardo Padova, Tino Aroldi, Palmiro Vezzoni) and sculptor Ercole Priori.


Maraini’s House Museum at Pasquìgliora (Molazzana, Lucca)

Maraini’s House is located in “Pasquìgliora”, at 982 meters above sea level on the Alpe di Sant’Antonio in the Municipality of Molazzana, in a panoramic position on the Pania Secca. In this remote place that can only be reached on foot, Fosco Maraini reconnected his ties with the Apuan Alps, the mountains of his youth, to which he was so attached that he decided he wanted to be buried in the small cemetery of the Alpe di S. Antonio.
Between 1975 and 2004 - the year of his death - Fosco Maraini spent long periods of each year in this house, where he wrote books and articles among the silence of the woods, views and landscapes.

“I was looking for a nice wild place. One day from Pania I glimpsed a red roof in the distance. It was difficult to track him down. The red roof now covered the shell of an abandoned house. Since 1978, as soon as I can escape from Florence, I take refuge in this paradise. Pasquigliora and surroundings, today abandoned places”.

Fosco Maraini’s House is a type of house museum that represents a testimony of its message, but which also becomes the starting point for a rediscovery and enhancement of the territory in which it is immersed, closely linked to the figure of Maraini. A place where cultural and human values intersect and blend to give visitors not just a visit but a real experience.

From the Maraini’s House it is possible to follow the various important paths to admire the Apuan Alps, including the Path of Freedom and the Path of the Rocchette, where Maraini used to go climbing in the past. There are six paths overall, all of them marked with white and red CAI trail markers. The notice boards describe the peculiarities of the surrounding environment, as well as the events that bind them to Maraini.

  • Address: Via Letizia 11
    40136 Bologna
    phone 3492348646
  • Visiting Hours: from September to June, visits by appointment via the website

    Full ticket € 8,00 - Reduced €5,00
  • Website: website
  • Contact: @email

Casa Museo Renzo Savini - Bologna

Observing Renzo Savini's collection, we're far removed from the idea of a methodological and analytical archive. This careful research of his collection, begun in the 1960s, and ended only after his death in 2018.  A cultured man born in Bagnacavallo in 1931, with a classical education, he first studied at classical high school in Florence, and then took a degree in law at the University of Bologna where he met Nina de Beni, a student at the Faculty of Agriculture, who he would then marry.

 The house, the design of which was assigned in 1964 to the architect Raoul Biancani, is made of various materials: brick, masonry, wood and large windows. In this interesting structure on three floors, the fullness of the brick walls is in constant harmonic play with the large window openings.

Natural light floods these spaces; in different hours of the day, it lights up first one area and then another, playing on the surfaces and the colours of the objects positioned inside the spaces. It's a personal place where every detail has been decided by him; a studied arrangement of alternating rhythms, with accelerations and pauses in which the light always indicates the new key of the score to follow. The large house museum is arranged on two floors, the second of which is surrounded by a panoramic terrace. Every space becomes a setting for expertly arranged artefacts, with a consistent and methodical desire to create a fusion between works and architectural elements of various eras. 

In this dwelling in which every corner speaks of art, there hides, like in the centre of a Renaissance maze garden, a small Kunstkammer in which artifacts of multiple and multiform origins are wonderfully presented on glass shelves, the transparency of the supports making it possible to enjoy what is on display from every angle.

