Museum System Toscana Network

  • Pascoli Giovanni (Castelvecchio Pascoli)
    • Address: via Caprona 6 55020 Castelvecchio Pascoli (LU) Tel e fax 0583 766147 / Tel e fax 0583 724759 (ufficio musei Comune di Barga), Tel 0583 724743 (urp)
    • Visiting Hours: 1 Ottobre - 31 Marzo: martedì 14.00 - 17.15, da mercoledì a domenica 09.30-13.00 / 14.30-17.15 1 Aprile - 30 Settembre: martedì ore 15.30 - 18.45, da mercoledì a domenica 10.30-13.00 / 15.00-18.45
    • Website: Fondazione
      Musei Serchio
      Comune Barga
      Provincia Lucca
    • Contact: biblioteca

    Castelvecchio Pascoli (Lucca)

    Giovanni Pascoli (San Mauro di romagna, 31/12/1855 – Bologna, 06/04/1912) was one of the leading poets of the italian decadent, and one of the most representative figures of the Italian literature in late 1800 and early 1900.

  • Puccini Giacomo (Lucca)
    • Address: Biglietteria e bookshop piazza Cittadella, 5 Museo corte S. Lorenzo, 9 55100 Lucca tel. 0583 584028
    • Visiting Hours: aprile-ottobre 10 - 18 novembre-marzo 11 - 17 chiuso il martedì (tranne i festivi) e il 25 dicembre
    • Website:
    • Contact:

    Casa natale (Lucca)

    The Birth Home Museum is situated in an apartment on the second floor of a historic building in the heart of the City of Lucca where Giacomo Puccini was born on December 22, 1858. In this house the composer spent the happy years of his childhood and teenage
  • Sassetti Filippo
    • Address: Villa del Mulinaccio Via Masso all'Anguilla 59021 Vaiano (PO) Tel. +39 0574 942476
    • Visiting Hours: Except for events and exhibits, it is open Saturday upon booking: tel. +39 0574/942428 (City Offices) or +39 0574/942476 (Vaiano Tourist Office).
    • Website:
    • Contact:

    Villa del Mulinaccio - Vaiano (Prato)

    The Villa del Mulinaccio, home dedicated to the memory of Filippo Sassetti, was recently purchased in its principle nucleus by the City of Vaiano, which immediately began to enhance its value from an historic and architectural
  • Tintori Leonetto
    • Address: Via di Vainella 1/g 59100 Figline di Prato (PO) Tel. +39 0574 464016
    • Visiting Hours: Booking necessary
    • Website:
    • Contact:

    Villa Tintori - Figline di Prato (Prato)

    Villa Tintori is situated in the northern outskirts of the Province of Prato near the town of Figline. The building, dating to the early XX century, was purchased in 1935 by the artist and restorer,
  • Venturi Venturino (Loro Ciuffenna)
    • Address: Casa Venturi - Atelier Venturino Venturi via Martiri della Libertà 7 52024 Loro Ciuffenna, Arezzo tel. 055-9175028 fax 055-0513027 cell. 348-7915877
    • Visiting Hours: La casa è visitabile su prenotazione. Sono possibili visite guidate su prenotazione
    • Website:
    • Contact: casa venturi
      venturino venturi

    Loro Ciuffenna (Arezzo)

    Venturino Venturi’s house was built at the end of the 1960s. Today it preserves his artwork, along with an archive, photo library, media library and newspaper library. The artwork is displayed in every room of the house, just as Venturino left it. The

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